Guiding Principle: When someone is in danger, University of Wisconsin-Madison students are expected to seek immediate assistance, such as calling 9-1-1. The purpose of these guidelines is to create a situation where responsible action is encouraged and expected.
Scope of Guidelines:
- Victims of Crime– In those cases where a student has been a victim of sexual assault and/or a violent crime while under the influence of alcohol, neither the Dean of Students, University Housing nor UW-Madison Police will pursue disciplinary actions against the student victim (or against a witness) for his or her improper use of alcohol (e.g., underage drinking). A student victim who is under the influence of alcohol at the time of a sexual assault is entitled to university and community assistance and encouraged to seek help.
- Person in Need of Medical Attention– When a student requires emergency evaluation and/or treatment to a medical facility for an overdose of alcohol, that student, as part of a disciplinary response, may be required to complete an alcohol assessment and/or education program in addition to other disciplinary action from the University. There may be a charge incurred if the student has an assessment off-campus and for some education programs. In addition, as per the University Parental/Guardian Involvement Guideline, a parental/guardian contact normally occurs when a student is transported to Detox/ER for overdoses of alcohol.
- Caller– When a student calls on behalf of an impaired individual, remains with that individual until assistance arrives, and fully cooperates with emergency responders, the caller will not be subject to disciplinary actions under the UW System Code of Conduct, sanctions from the Division of University Housing, or citation by UW-Madison Police for his or her personal consumption of alcohol (e.g., underage drinking).
- Organization– A representative of an organization hosting an event is expected to promptly call for assistance if they become aware of an emergency. Failure to call will be considered an “aggravating circumstance” and will be factored into further disciplinary action.
The guidelines apply only to disciplinary actions related to the caller’s personal consumption of alcohol. They do not apply to supplying of alcohol, use or possession of other drugs illegally, or other crimes.